🚀 MyCompany

What is MyCompany. 

Davensi is taking investing to a whole new level by harnessing the power of Web3 technology. 

Our innovative financial services, which include CeDeFi aggregator, distribution and trading based on our market intelligence (IA), and the creation of new digital financial instruments, streamline processes, reduce costs, and unlock new investment opportunities. With a focus on sustainability, decentralization, and user empowerment, we're set to become a leading player in tomorrow's mainstream financial landscape.

Who we are. 

We are the most trusted gateway to web3 digital assets because we are solving the CeDeFi paradox: findability, safe access, risk management.


France - Dubai 


💬 Our mission

We are the most trusted gateway to web3 digital assets because we are solving the CeDeFi paradox: findability, safe access, risk management.


👀 Our solution

We are a Web3 financial services company providing smart sustainable solutions for high-performance digital asset trading, portfolio management, and investments through our carbon-efficient Centralized/Decentralized Finance aggregation platform.


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