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🚀 ER Soulier

What is ER Soulier. 

ER Soulier is a brand crafting sneakers from marine waste. Our goal is to integrate as many primary materials as possible from the ocean, like waste from oyster farms and abandoned fishnets and we created a new material for the soles, made from marine litter. Our sneakers are made from recycled materials, at the same time reducing carbon emissions by 55% compared to similar products. The insoles are made with recycled foam, the linen with recycled plastics from abandoned fishnets and we use leather scraps from big brands. We release new updates only when we have new innovations, slowing down the fashion cycle.

Who we are. 

  • Eugène Riconneaus - CEO: an esteemed French designer, a shoe specialist that previously worked with Chanel, Supreme, Dr. Martens, Colette and other famous brands. Eugène is also a renown artist, featured for example at the MoMA in New York.
  • Beatrice Cociani - COO: INSEAD MBA, formerly a manager with more than seven years of consulting experience specialized in operations. Beatrice previously worked also for Snipes, part of Deichmann Group.


  • Creative direction: Paris.
  • Production: Portugal.
  • Marine litter collection: coast of France.


💬 Our mission

Support the reduction of ocean pollution while at the same time providing high-quality sneakers to all our global community, committed to environmental responsibility. ER Soulier shoes walk with the ocean.


👀 Our solution

Reimagine the potential of materials that would otherwise be considered waste, such as fishnets and seafood byproducts. Create sneakers composed of recycled elements and with minimal environmental impact. ER Soulier shoes are cutting-edge and durable and they have a distinctive, artistic soul. Our solutions align with evolving consumer preferences and global concerns.


🤩 Interested ?

Contact [email protected] for more information or support us by buying a pair of ER Soulier unique sneakers on our website 


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