🚀 Our start-up


The pitch

We gamify soft skills tests, to provide the best candidate experience at every stage of the candidate path, thanks to real video games.

The 3 founders

• Hugo is a recruitment expert with 10 years of experience. He holds the position of CEO.
• Stéphanie holds the position of COO, a role she has held for 8 years. She co-founded an HR gamification agency with Hugo 7 years ago.
• Pierre-Henri is the CTO. He oversees the development of the solution and its functionalities. He has 5 years of experience in technical roles, including 3 years as Head of Data Science at Air France.


💬 The problems we solve


A recruitment error costs 50k€

Today, 2 of 3 candidates have already abandoned an application process because of a negative experience.
78% of candidates say that gamification in the recruiting process would make companies more desirable.
62% of recruiters consider soft skills as a decisive recruitment criterion, but 84% of them assess soft skills intuitively.


👀 Our solutions


Skilleo evaluate soft skills without penibility and with a better fiability.

The gamified assessment attracts and retain candidates in the recruitment process of our clients.

We provide 2 solutions :

Our candidate application solution offers to recruiters the option to replace traditional CV submissions with a video game session.

We also offer a gamified assessment solution that provides an unparalleled candidate experience worldwide.


🤩 Interested ?


Contact Hugo Chabrouty : [email protected]


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