ArchiMed investment thesis :
We invest in biopharma, medtech, life sciences, healthcare IT, public safety, consumer health, care providers, diagnostics. See below for details.
Biopharma: Including small and large molecules, APIs, Generic, Primary and Specialty Pharma, Pharma delivery, Veterinary (animal health); Outsourcing Services such as bioanalytical, drug discovery or formulation services, CRO, CDMO, CLO or specialized consulting etc.
Medtech: Including implants, equipment, consumables, services, outsourcing in field such as Cardiovascular, Dental, Drug Delivery, Infection control, Neuro, Ophtalmo, Orthopaedics, General surgery, Wound Care, Veterinary, etc.
Life Sciences: Including tools, equipment, consumables and services, whether for Bioprocessing (upstream, downstream, final fill) and Research, etc.
Healthcare IT: Clinical or Non-Clinical solutions for Care Providers, Care Payer solutions, Biopharma-related Software, Outsourcing services, etc.
Public Safety: Biocontrol, Food safety, Environmental and Healthcare-related TIC (testing, inspection, certification), Health at work, etc.
Consumer Health: Cosmetics, Health supplements, Aesthetics, Wellness, Selfcare, Physio, etc.
Care Providers: Homecare, Specialized care delivery, Outsourcing services, etc.
Diagnostics: Including In Vitro (IVD) and Imaging, etc.
ArchiMed invests in the following countries :
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