Calculus Capital investment thesis :
We invest in EIS/VCT qualifying companies. Even though the majority of our portfolio is made up of technology (B2B SaaS) and healthcare companies, we are sector agnostic and have a number of investments across other sectors. Our cheque size is in the range of £1.5-2.5m and we have an anticipated hold period of 3-5 years. In the technology space, we prefer companies with a B2B sales model and ARR of ~£0.75-1m. Meanwhile, in healthcare, we invest in proprietary IP-led, clinical-stage companies. We also fund companies which make creative content, through our Creative Content Fund, supported by the BFI.
Calculus Capital invests in the following countries :
Calculus Capital invests in rounds :
Serie A (Scaling)
Series B, C (Growth)
Series D, E... (Pre-IPO)
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