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DIP Capital

HQ: 5th Floor, 20 Old Bailey, London, EC4M 7AN, UK

2 000 $

Minimum check

8 000 $

Maximum check

DIP Capital investment thesis :

We invest in innovative companies following our investment strategy: - Sector agnostic - Geographically focused on Europe - Tech-enabled & disruptive business model - Asset light / Lean / Scalable - Team with ability to execute & adjust to changes quickly - B2B / B2B2C / Marketplaces - Series A, B, C - Happy to lead a round or follow

DIP Capital invests in the following countries :

Belgium Finland UK Denmark Cyprus Germany Czech Republic Côte d'Ivoire France Latvia Iceland Hungary Israel Ireland Italy Austria Monaco Norway Switzerland Spain Sweden Slovenia Slovakia Poland Netherlands Luxembourg

DIP Capital invests in rounds :

Seed (Early revenue) Serie A (Scaling) Series B, C (Growth)

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